Fiscal Sponsorships

The Santa Fe Film Institute offers non-profit fiscal sponsorship, mentorship, and consulting to selected independent film projects. The program allows filmmakers the opportunity to accept foundation support and tax-deductible donations to fund their film or project. 

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The first step in the process is for a Project to submit a Fiscal Sponsorship Application to Santa Fe Film Institute (SFFI) describing the specific program to be conducted.  All Projects must be arts-oriented and relate to  SFFI’s mission: Santa Fe Film Institute is committed to the advancement of independent film, filmmaking, support of the local community, and underserved youth. 


SFFI will serve as a fiscal sponsor for relevant films, artistic, educational, and cultural projects in alignment with the Institute’s mission. 

What is Fiscal Sponsorship?

Fiscal sponsorship is an arrangement between an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and an entity without non-profit status to be able to receive grants from foundations, individual donors, and government agencies. SFFI is proud to be a fiscal sponsor for these exciting projects. LEARN MORE

Benefits of a fiscal sponsorship include the ability to apply for grants and solicit tax-deductible donations without becoming a 501(c)(3). Support for your project includes newsletter promotions, social media mentions, and an interview on the Film Talk Weekly radio show. Fiscal sponsorships provide donors ways to directly support your project by check, online, and credit card. 

Who Can Apply?

The program is available to narrative and documentary projects of any length and at any stage of development. SFFI supports films, projects, and organizations that further our mission and are in the process of obtaining their 501(c)(3) status; including film festivals, arts projects, films, radio shows/podcasts, and more. 

How to Apply:

Fiscal Sponsorship applications are accepted at any time. Send an email with the following information for consideration. Your project description, intended audience, and marketing strategy, key creative personnel, overall fundraising strategy, funding to date, budget, and director’s prior work or current work. 


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